W e, the urbanites as we call, are always busy with our jobs, studies, ambitions, etc. that we never really get a chance to look around the surrounding that we are living in. Why at all should we even care to know about our surrounding, when everything that we ever imagine of is provided to us by the market? At about 5am on Feb 8, 1901 a devastating earthquake shook Coimbatore and not a single building was left undamaged. Almost everyone was in deep trouble. The same occurred when the bubonic plague hit our city repeatedly from 1903 to 1925. Neither our jobs and studies nor the certificates that we hold in our hands as 10th, 12th pass, etc. are going to save us from these natural disasters unless until we know about the place that we are living in. So, when I was entering 9th grade all these thoughts were in my mind. I had two options; one, to go to an urban school where the children knew nothing about their environment and two, to go to a Tribal school where the children knew thorough...